After scheduling your student’s transcript, please email me the following information to lupita dot tucker at gmail dot com:
Academic Info:
1. A list of high school level courses taken, the grade earned, and the credit awarded, with dates or grade levels, what curriculum was used, and if it was honors or AP level.
For example:
Algebra 1, Grade: C, 1 credit, 9th grade 2018/2019, Mr. D Math
2. A list of any dual enrollment courses completed, with the course code and title, as well as where it was taken and when (semester/year).
For example:
ENC1101 English Composition 1, EFSC, Spring 2023
3. Additionally, please send me a list of any extracurricular activities participated in for 5 hours or more per week. This info would be used to potentially award elective credit, depending on the activity.
4. Total volunteer hours completed
5. ACT or SAT scores (the highest combined scores)
Future Plans:
What are your student’s future plans? Is there a major of interest that they are aiming for, or do they have a particular skill or accomplishments in an area that will be relevant to post-high school education? Do they have a list of schools they’ll be applying to? If so, what are those?
If you have documents from previous schools, colleges/universities, or curriculum providers that provide transcripts, you can email those to me instead of typing the information all out. Please try to attach them all to one email. Use the subject line: “Your student’s name – Transcript Info.” This will help me keep track of your student’s information.